
The Red Tent Society : A Sacred Gathering of Women

We would love for you to join us !


The Red Tent Society is a gathering of women of all ages and backgrounds who meet at or closest to the new moon. This is a time when most girls and women are most in need of support, rest and reflection. The Red Tent allows each participant to explore new ideas and reflect on their personal journeys. Each month focuses on a different theme, everything from sacred teachings of Mary Magdalene and sacred sexualityto creating belly casts, re-birthing ceremonies, dance offs, and even a little anger release  so we can see the beauty from what was once considered a trauma. The Red Tent allows for your creativity to flow and gives women the freedom to express themselves without fear or judgement. Women have the freedom to share their strengths and vulnerabilities and together they share life's highs and lows. It is through these ceremonies, experiences and discussions that we find deeper understanding and compassion for ourselves and others. This is a timeless tradition observed by ancient cultures where women dive deep within to uncover their raw, authentic selves. Women long to be Free to Be.  Their  purpose is to walk in rhythm with nature. When women connect, communities thrive. The Red Tent serves as a regular forum for empowering girls and women of all ages. Every decade in our lives is special and we each have something to offer. We each have a piece of the puzzle.

Traditionally, girls would enter the Red Tent as soon as their bodies began to cycle with the moon. In the tent they would learn about their fertility cycles and every other faucet of being a woman. A Red Tent is a gift of mystical understanding of womanhood where  knowledge will be shared and women will learn the value of their bodies as physical temples and how to set personal boundaries accordingly . A Red Tent provides a authentic foundation of support and an opportunity to connect with your inner self, other women and the greater cycles as we journey round the astrological mandala. Together we work with the themes and lessons of each sign for greater wholeness and balance in our daily lives.

Our ladies are a diverse group of women ranging in age from 6 to well into their 70’s and beyond . Age has no separation nor causes any disconnection , we each have amazing things to offer in each and every decade of our lives. Join us locally in our womb space of our movement studio and community education center , online and around the globe.

Your Facilitator , Carla Poluha came to the Red Tent via her life experience. Through life’s high’s and low’s she found herself wanting more. She craved more connection with nature, herself and other women .

Carla has acquired many certifications and titles in her professional life, she believed she would climb the professional ladder of success, but much to her surprise , her well thought out plan was inter-seeded by Creator.
There was a far better plan without limitations . All she would be required to do was let go and allow the Inner Goddess to flow and hear the call to gather the women in Red Tents .

Carla is truly a champion of women and gatherer of community. Her passion for peace within humanity comes from her life experiences through adoption. This experience left her to uncover and come to a growing understanding of the core wound within herself , other women and of humanity. This core wound of sex and sexuality is the root that ails all beings . Without uncovering and embracing core wounds we become warriors out to defend and destroy any and all who do not share our beliefs . It’s time to put down the swords with the knowledge that we are already free . The systems are broken , they do not require to be fixed . It’s time to experience liberation and create new ways of being that serve humanity and not the systems.
Carla is constantly practicing the balance of creative ideas, passion in the heart and opening to the unfolding of experiences through LOVE

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In the Red Tent we make a decree
To celebrate our unique beauty, both inner and outer.
To honor ourselves in every choice we make.
To dare to be spontaneous and authentic.
To spend equal time being and reflecting.
To honor the DIVINE in ALL.
To speak both our mind's ideas and our heart's wisdom.
To support ourselves by spending time with those who reflect our inner light .
To spend time communing with Mother Earth
To look for the blessings and lessons in life
And to serve the Greater Good with ease and grace

This is our Inner Goddess Makeover

Join us for our next gathering April 24, 2020  . Event details posted in the events section. Due to restrictions in place , this will be a zoom conference virtual gathering

Due to the much needed support required at this time we are adding 3 additional Red Tents each month to further support you during this time of social distancing. Next dates are as follows…

April 3o , 2020 First Quarter moon May 7, 2020 Full Moon , and May 14 , Last Quarter Moon. All gatherings will be at 7:00 pm via zoom except May 14 . May 14 will be an afternoon gathering .

Be sure to join us for the 12:12 Summit To Mexico December 10-15,2019 our first of many trips to come. Details in the events section - WE ARE RETURNING . We have some unfinished business to attend to so we will gather again in ceremony when Covid 19 restrictions are lifted.

2020 Peru The Divine Connection Mission Trip. Details to come / Postpone due to restrictions in travel updates to come

2021 France The Divine Connection and Alignment with Mary Magdalene. Details to come