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  • Woodland Alters 33200 State Route 41 Peebles, OH, 45660 United States (map)


Serpent Mound Star Knowledge Summer Solstice “Immersion”.
Join us the Longest day of the year.
Date: June 21, 2022
Time: 9:00am-12:00Midnight.
Place: Woodland Altars is an Appalachian scenic retreat. It is nestled in the beautiful hills of Adams County, only 6 miles from The Great Serpent Mound. The land is on an Ancient Sea Bed Centered in a 320 million year old Meteor Impact Crater. Located 75 miles east of Cincinnati, 76 Miles Southeast of Dayton and 80 Miles South of Columbus. Located on 33200 State Route 41 in Peebles, Ohio 45660.

Vending Contact Thomas Johnson 937-205-3810 or email

Tickets $40.00

Bunks $30.00

Event Site:

Wisdom Keepers, Drumming, Music, Dance, Vendors & Food.

Carla Poluha & Terri Sings With Ravens Rivera Ceremony:
Place: The Pond of Woodland Altars.

Terri (Sings with Ravens) Rivera or Ho Waste Winyan, means Good Voice or Good Talk Woman, Dakota name implies you speak the truth and from your heart. One of the founders of Serpent Mound Star Knowledge Peace Summits.
She grew up in Idaho along the Snake River and now lives just three miles from the Serpent Mound at the her Home/Shop are on the southeastern edge of a five-mile wide impact crater and sit a top of a 17.5 km long fault line that is miles deep. That combination emits a constant flow of positive energy. Terri has presented at workshops throughout the U.S. and Mexico and has worked with healers from around the world to hold spiritual retreats in various global locations.
As a singer/songwriter she was nominated for a Native American Music Award and came in runner-up in the John Lennon song writing contest.

Carla Poluha
Red Tent Facilitator and Community Gatherer Co-Host of Serpent Mound Star Knowledge Peace SummitsCarla has acquired many certifications and titles in her professional life, she believed she would climb the professional ladder of success, but much to her surprise , her well thought out plan was interseeded by Creator. There was a far better plan without limitations . All she would be required to do was let go and allow the Inner Goddess to flow and hear the call to gather the women in Red Tents . Red Tents are held during the energy of the new moon , a time when women naturally go within and are most in need of community . It is during this time that women must gather in circle to reclaim the wisdom of our ancestors. To get back into nature to embrace the medicines and recall the ways of our culture and lineage that was once forgotten . Carla is truly a champion of women and gatherer of community. Her passion for peace within humanity comes from her life experiences through adoption. This experience left her to uncover and come to a growing understanding of the core wound within all women and of humanity. This core wound of sex and sexuality is the root that ails all beings . Without uncovering and embracing core wounds we become warriors out to defend and destroy any and all who do not share our beliefs . It’s time to put down the swords with the knowledge that we are already free . The systems are broken , they do not require to be fixed . It’s time to experience liberation and create new ways of being that serve humanity and not the systems. Carla is constantly practicing the balance of creative ideas, passion in the heart and opening to the unfolding of experiences through LOVE

Ignacio (Iggy) Garcia is a Native of Peru South America and has been taught in the sacred ways and arts of Peruvian Shamanism, and also walks the red road with The Native American Church and is recognized as a Medicine Man, Minister, Chief, and elder. Iggy is a spiritual leader in his community in Columbus, Ohio. He is also a speaker, writer, entrepreneur, radio host, and is the editor & producer for and hosts a weekly internet podcast & radio show for the last 15 years.

Lawrence Rashad Greene is the founder of Ugata, drumming performance group in southern Ohio. He studied healing drumming at a behavioral health facility for youth in Georgia. He is the co founder of Rising Appalachian Warriors, a outdoor education camp. Currently Lawrence is an Artsbridge catalog artist offering drum and dance classes for schools in Marietta, Ohio and Parkersburg, WV. Lawrence became a member of the John Gee Black Historical Center in Gallipolis, Ohio where his group performs for the annual Emancipation Proclamation Celebration. Lawrence learned from his grandmother that her grandmother was a plant healer. By this time he was already working on his spiritual philosophy, Teoyo, which is a combination of Teosinte, the original corn plant and Oyo, the original way of saying Ohio. He developed it over 30 years of spiritual earth training in the Appalachian foothills region and the Ohio river valley. As a naturalist at The Wilds, Highlands Nature Sanctuary and Woodland Altars he has gotten to share earth wisdom and have time to honor scared sites in the region. Almost 20 years ago he witnessed the "crop circle" across from the Great Serpent Mound and it brought him to an Afro Indigenous understanding of life

Thomas Johnson
THOMAS JOHNSON (Thunder Rock of the Stars) Presenting: Vortex, Geology, Anomalies, Craters & Falt Lines of the Serpent Mound Valley.
Tom a rock man from Michigan and has been collecting rocks since he was 4 years old. Collected a lot around Sylvania, Ohio in an old 350 million year old sea bed 90 feet under ground through the 60's and 70's until the government stopped that activity with MSHA and OSHA 1979, He then moved to southern Ohio and began collecting an even older sea bed of 438 million. Many trips around the planet to collect and study fossils dating back to 2,7 billion years, recognized for his achievements in 1984 by the Smithsonian and National Geographic, he has written 3 books and lectured on the subject of trilobites and Meteor Craters for many years

Leza Vivio is known widely for her abilities as a sound healer and inspirational speaker, as well as the founder of Sacred. Centered. You. She has a passion for both the scientific and intuitive, the practical and the mystical... She enjoys finding the bridges between these worlds and making them accessible to the seeker. For the last two decades, her mission has been assisting individuals find their path to personal growth and wellness by improving their awareness, understanding, and adaptability to change.

In her recent years, Leza has focused her work in the healing arts field serving through Vibrational Sound Healing, Past Life & Soul Regression, Spiritual Counseling, and Conscious Relationships. In addition to degrees in Philosophy and Counseling Psychology, Leza holds a doctorate in both Divinity and Sacred Music, and is a licensed professional counselor and Certified Mental Health Integrative Medicine Provider. Leza is the Director of Vibrational Healing at the Dr. Lillian Ronzio's School of Holistic Health. She is specially trained in Vibrational Sound Healing, Mindfulness, Hypnotherapy, Yoga and Meditation, Integrative Medicine, Qigong, Trauma-Informed Care, and is a practicing Reiki Master.

Leza is specially trained in Navigating Intimate Issues and Couples Counseling. Soul Mating is a program developed to explore the information and issues of Conscious Relationships. Her husband, Ben Vivio, is also a therapist that specializes in Addiction and Recovery

Beginning in the year 2000, author and investigator Ross Hamilton with a staff of eight researchers commenced the Tradition of Giants Project, uncovering over time many hundreds of accounts suggesting that a race of highly intelligent, physically robust people once lived throughout the eastern woodlands of the United States. The following year, Ross published the culmination of a 14-year study, The Mystery of the Serpent Mound, an illustrated guide to the Serpent Mound of Adams County, including its geometries, astronomies, and many similar mysteries from myth to measure, suggesting the effigy to be a site worthy of world-class recognition in spite of its being overlooked by researchers around the world.

In 2012, Ross published Star Mounds: Legacy of a Native American Mystery wherein he illustrates that every recorded major earthwork in the Ohio Valley was consigned a specific part of the night sky, so that when they are all placed together, they form a complete picture. Like a masterful jigsaw puzzle, the great works like the Newark and High Bank complexes, Fort Ancient, Fort Hill, Mound City, Serpent Mound and scores of others together form a grand sky painting unseen for many thousands of years. Featuring the great celestial houses along the path of the ecliptic line where the sun rises, at the center of this heavenly patchwork quilt lays the most sacred Serpent Mound, harbinger of all light, giver of life, and guardian of wisdom. What is remarkable about the Star Mounds is that their original creators, believed to have been a race of very tall people, were highly skilled in the arts and sciences of mathematics, geometry, geomancy, surveying, astronomy, and earth energy stewardship, combining them all seamlessly together signifying a great unity of purpose.

Music: Chris Davis & Zack Kouns

Food by Loving Healthy
Great time Great Healthy food, Loving Healthy is on a mission to push the boundaries of vegan cuisine with omnivore options. This artisan approach to our unique sauces, cheeses and condiments, made from scratch, help bring out the flavors of these wonderful fruits and vegetables.

The Solstice signifies the time when the Earth is at the fullness of her strength, fertility, and abundance, so we too can celebrate our strength in joining together, pollinating our spiritual consciousness through sharing, and offering gratitude for the abundance that which we experience daily.

The word “Solstice” is derived from the Latin words Sol+systere, meaning “Sun”+ “standing still.” The Summer Solstice is the longest day and the shortest night of the year. Following this Solstice, the days get shorter, the nights longer.

Fire is used symbolically throughout summer solstice celebrations in praise of the sun, to bring luck and to ward off the darkness. And the spiral is also a symbol associated with the Solstices. Ancient dances would follow the Sun’s movement like a spiral, people joined hands weaving through the streets, winding into a decreasing spiral into the middle then unwinding back out again. The Sun moving from contraction at the center of the spiral at winter solstice to expansion at Summer Solstice and back again. Festivals in North still continue to dance and play, holding hands in formation of a spiral.

Many traditions throughout time have celebrated the Solstices — Ancient Egypt, the Aztecs of Mexico, Chinese, Chumash Indians of California, and Indigenous Europeans. Western civilizations have for centuries celebrated this first day of summer often called Midsummer (see Shakespeare), or St. John’s Day. The Chinese mark the day by honoring Li, the Chinese Goddess of Light. Throughout history, with so much light being showered upon the Earth on this day, it’s been known as one of the most powerful days of the year for spiritual growth and healing.
Summer Solstice Stone Hedge
To this day, revellers still gather at Stonehenge to see the sun rise. The Heel Stone and Slaughter Stone, set outside the main circle, align with the rising sun. Many of the ancient traditions continue — bonfires are still lit to celebrate the Sun at its height of power and to ask the Sun not to withdraw into winter darkness.

In North America, many Native American tribes held ritual dances to honor the sun. The Sioux were known to hold one of the most spectacular rituals — The Sun Dance. Usually performed during the June solstice, preparations for the Sun Dance included cutting and raising a tree that would be considered a visible connection between the heavens and Earth, and setting up teepees in a circle to represent the cosmos. Participants abstained from food and drink during the dance itself. Their bodies were decorated in the symbolic colors of red (sunset), blue (sky), yellow (lightning), white (light), and black (night).

Summer is a time to engage our Earth connection; and cultivate and deepen our connection to the divine energies all around us. In living with gratitude and understanding that reciprocity and respect for all that is given to us is, is the way to live as if all life is ceremony. In taking only what we need, and doing what we can to live in balance and harmony with the cycles of the planet, we strengthen and nourish the bond we were given a birth with the great parent who sustains us all.

As we observe the blossoming of life all around us, we can receive the energy of vitality and experience awe for the generosity of the Earth, who provides for us everything that we need.
Some rituals to celebrate Summer Solstice:

Summer Solstice Rituals
1) As our ancestors did, celebrate by gathering of plants and healing herbs, its long been believed that they are at their most potent on the Summer Solstice. Five common Celtic sacred plants associated with Midsummer are St. John’s Wort, Vervain, Yarrow, Fern, and Mugwort.

2) Gather with others to create a circle or spiral. Exchange songs, stories, and poems with others. Dance, drum, sing and celebrate.

3) Create a Sun Wheel or mandala (a symbol of the circle of life and connectedness) made from flowers or things found in nature.
4) Keep a sacred fire burning. You can create a big fire like a bonfire to celebrate with friends, but even a small fire, in the form of a candle or Altar of Light can be just as potent.

5) Make a Prayer Stick or Prayer Tree and place specific prayers for those who need healing on it. Make a prayer for the return to peace where there is no peace, for vibrancy and good health in areas of the world where there is now poverty and scarcity.

Do any or all of the above with an intention for something that you will do to improve life – bring light and love into this world in your own creative way and begin to carry it out