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The Red Tent Calling May Full Moon Gathering

  • Zoom Conference in your home (map)

In the month of May in honor of the Moon of the Tree we call in to the Ancient Ones . We began with a group meditation and gathering to ask them to gather around the fire we created to share their wisdom and ask for help to remember who we are.

Our second gathering we were each instructed to do the meditation on our own then share what we took away from it . As each shared their experience we saw a theme of a primal wound that asked for healing and each was given a new way, feeling or emotion to embody.

As each person spoke their visions and words created the following intention for our next gathering. We realize that this may sound ODD to those that were not a part of the last gathering but read the words from your heart center and feel your way with out judgement.

We open of our hearts and bring in dignity to allow for the calling in of passion, self love,excitement, compassion, trust, LOVE and the acceptance of the FULLNESS OF THE GODDESS, the DIVINE MOTHER.

It is with the power of the Armadillo that we bond with the magic within us all and we set up boundaries of protection providing safety for ALL of humanity. With the assistance of the Armadillo, we put our feet down and claim our sovereignty , we MATTER., our feelings, our morals, our truth . We respect ALL life forms.

We allow for the BLUE FIRE PEOPLE to burn away all distortion, distraction, fear, resentment, woundedness,,shame, guilt, rejection, self judgement, of not having a voice, unworthiness,disappointment,judgement from others, stuckness and pain.

We allow for The Blue Fire People to burn up all control, greed, possessiveness, and the use of sex and sexuality as slavery and control of our beings, our bodies, our flesh and our souls

Through this intention we ask for the bond of mother and child be restored so humanity may evolve back into our natural state of being, knowing we are molecules of heaven.

Thank you for the service of the shadow. We express our gratitude and realize the purpose for the greater good of humanity. Today we embody change and release that which no longer serves, keeping within us the wisdom learned. We are in this world perfectly imperfect .


When you purchase your ticket a link will be sent to you to login to the gathering as well as a link to an extended meditation which we will do as a collective, then gather to discuss our experiences.

We look forward to seeing you and sharing this life changing experience.