Ancient Future: The Return of Energy Medicine
“Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie. ”
– William Shakespeare
Energy medicine is safe, natural, and accessible, and it is beginning to change the face of health care. According to Richard Gerber, M.D., “The ultimate approach to healing will be to remove the abnormalities at the subtle-energy level which led to the manifestation of illness in the first place.” Norm Shealy, M.D., founding president of the American Holistic Medicinal Association, has flatly stated that, “Energy medicine is the future of all medicine.”
This emerging approach is actually both contemporary and ancient. According to Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Noble laureate in Medicine: “In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.”
Energy medicine is a term to describe the growing number of approaches where and understanding of the body as a system of energies is being applied for promoting healing, health, and well-being. Energy medicine is the art and science of fostering physical, psychological, and spiritual health and vitality.
Healing is an inside job.
Your body is designed to heal itself. The ability of a body to maintain its health and overcome illness is, in fact, among nature’s most remarkable feats. But you’ve been placed in a world that systematically interferes with this natural capacity, and your conscious involvement in your health is required if you are to truly prosper.
The only new things are those which have been forgotten.
Numerous cultures describe a matrix of subtle energies that support, shape, and animate the physical body, often displaying intelligence that transcends human knowing, called qui or chi in China, prana in the yoga tradition of India and Tibet, ruach in Hebrew, ki in Japan, baraka by the Sufis, waken by the Lakotas, orenda by the Iroquois, megbe by the Iruri Pygmies, and the Holy Spirit in Christian tradition. It is hardly a new idea to suggest that subtle energies operate in tandem with the denser, “congealed” energies of the material body.
Cellular Expansion and Healing (CE)
Cellular Expansion Is a form of energy medicine that supports healing and change at the building block level of illness, the cells, and opens you to your deepest spiritual connection.
What is Healing Energy?
Healing Energy is the energy of a particular frequency or set of frequencies that stimulates the body to return to or maintain a state of balance. Balance is required between all aspects of the human system – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual – in order for health to exist. Balance may be thought of as the absence of constrictions, whereby energy (the basic unit of life) is able to move freely throughout.
“In every culture and in every medical tradition
before ours, healing was accomplished
by moving energy.”
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Biochemist
Finding Balance
Through effecting held patterns within the energy system itself, Cellular Expansion and Healing supports the body’s true nature, the call for balance. Through the exploration of what is needed for the body, mind and spirit to return to balance, lasting change and healing occurs. Cellular Expansion and Healing moves to the source of imbalance in the cells and provides nourishment, balance and healing where needed.
Balance, or the absence of competing forces, is present when illness is absent. When illness is present, energy is spent attending to the competing elements. These competing aspects tie up the natural resources of the body and constriction results.
Releasing Constriction
The energy of CE invites the constriction to unwind, flow returns, balance is restored and change has resulted. Illness resolves as the content of the kinks or distortions also resolve. Examples of the content could be about making the choice to attend to your own needs or allowing others to give to you. It is highly individualized for each person and arises organically as part of the process of CE. The energy of Cellular Expansion illuminates the content and supports the aspects of you that are ready to connect, to make choice and impact the world as you have created it.
Healing, the body’s return to balance, involves the alignment of the internal aspects of energy, your thoughts, feelings and impressions, with the external, how the world impacts your own energy. True healing then is not just the absence of disease, but the presence of a life filled with joy and aliveness.
Everything is consciousness
All Life experiences as well as the potential of your Soul are stored in your cells. Accessing this wealth of energy allows for not only accelerated growth and healing but conscious connection to the Soul. Life lived here is one of joy and ease.
CE is recommended for those who desire to:
- Achieve balance and health (mental, emotional or physical) and may not be responding fully to traditional treatment
- Create a project, job or partnership from an expanded state of connection
- Explore mind/body connection and how it can impact their lives
- Move from a feeling of being stuck to aligned purpose
- Augment their daily life with wellness and with energy
- Accelerate their spiritual development
Called the energy medicine of the future, CE promotes healing and spiritual evolution at the level of the cells.
Deb Schnitta, the founder of Vanati and energy healing course instructor, has developed a revolutionary approach to energy healing – Cellular Expansion and Healing (CE) is taught exclusively at the Vanati Energy Healing School located in Pittsburgh. For more information visit